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Downsizing Referendum Stopped

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Downsizing the Rock Island County Board

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County Board Meetings

RICo reforms Public Speaking Rules!

RICo in violation of Open Meetings Act

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The Oath I took

Rock Island County Budget:  2013-2014

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Bill to Allow Courthouse Without Voter Ok

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Progressive State Tax



March 18, 2015

County Board Declines 2nd Chance to Discuss and Vote on Downsizing Referendum

I presented a minority opinion asking to not accept the Governmental Affairs Committee’s decision to NOT move the resolution to put the downsizing referendum to the full board. In essence, I was asking the board to have a chance to vote on this important issue rather than killing in committee.

As I am a minority of the committee appointed who does not agreeing with the majority, I expressed views regarding moving the downsizing referendum resolution to full board for discussion and a vote.

On August 26, 2014, a resolution was passed unanimously for Governmental Affairs Committee for review and determination of when it can be submitted to the voters of Rock Island County. It read as this:

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board of the County of Rock Island, Illinois, that the following binding resolution be submitted to the Rock Island County Board Governmental Affairs Committee for review and determination of the next available election where it can be submitted to the voters of the County to Rock Island:

A review took place in Governmental Affairs

A determination of when this can be placed on the ballot was made in Governmental Affairs.

But they did not follow through the directive of the board by passing this onto the full board. This is in conflict and contradiction of the unanimous vote and wishes of the full board as they were directed. They were not directed to make a decision as to whether this should be on the ballot but THAT was reserved for the full board to discuss and decide.

I recommended and made a motion to move the question out of committee with the findings and dates the Governmental Affairs Committee for discussion and vote at April’s meeting.

Those voting in favor of having this going to full board were:

Dewayne Cremeens (R) Rapids City
Chris Filbert (R) Cordova
Don Johnston (D) Moline
Drue Mielke (R) Coal Valley
Ron Oelke (R) Andalusia
Mike Steffen (R) Moline

Argument was made that the one time cost of $57,000 for redistricting is irresponsible. 

I stated this IGNORES the YEARLY salary savings would be at LEAST $54,000 each year for 5 years until 2022. 

It is better to let the voters hear all the pros and cons and put this on the ballot so they have a voice in there form and size of county government.




The unanimous decision to move the downsizing referendum proposal to the Governmental Affairs.






March 13, 2015

The path to downsizing the county board has been killed in committee.

I champion the Dispatch/Argus for involving the public with their editorial on March 13th.  http://www.qconline.com/editorials/editorial-once-again-rico-change-in-the-hands-of-citizens/ This was taken from further discussion in the March 9th Governmental Affairs Committee meeting.  The chair of the committee voted to move this to the full board but members on the committee voted against moving this issue so it can be discussed and voted on by the full board.

There are elected county board members who will obstruct, threaten, delay, stall, to make sure downsizing happen. It could have been done in 2014. They don't want it. Period. And will use multiple tactics to assure it dies rather than give people a voice in determining their form of government. 

Jan. 7, 2013: I fought in Governmental Affairs when I was given Attorney General opinion from 1974 and 1976. There was an exception that allowed downsizing.

Jan 15, 2013 board meeting: I stood up and said that there was an exceptional circumstance that existed that would allow us to downsize in 2014.

Jan. 17, 2013: Part of my documents on downsizing links were taken from me. I had some of my documents but not all when I went to Springfield to speak to the State Board of Elections.

February 19, 2013 board meeting: I agreed to having a new opinion from the Attorney General given that I disagreed with most that the board was not able to be downsized.

Friday, April 12, 2013 8:15 am: Following up on the status of this request, I was told by the county board chairman three times “to be very careful” in a low, slow, and threatening tone. He also stated “a lot of people can get hurt”

Friday, September 12, 2014: I am now made aware of the documents that were taken as they appear in a political attack ad. Complete falsehoods were made.

Monday, September 15, 2014: I was told that these documents "were left" which is not true because I had most of my documents from that evening.

These printed paper documents are stolen property. Regardless, theft of Lost or Mislaid Property has occurred by in this county that is not ethical or lawful for the to possess them without my knowledge or permission,

A person commits theft of lost or mislaid property when he or she obtains control over the property and:
(a) Knows or learns the identity of the owner or knows, or is aware of, or learns of a reasonable
method of identifying the owner, and
(b) Fails to take reasonable measures to restore the property to the owner, and
(c) Intends to deprive the owner permanently of the use or benefit of the property.
I add that in certain elected positions, it is unethical to be in possession of stolen property and hold to use later for distorted political gain.

I was never told that anyone possessed my property, no attempt was made to return my property, and the perpetrators know that I am the owner.

I add that in certain elected positions, it is unethical to be in possession of stolen property and hold to use later for distorted political gain.

This is what has occurred over this "downsizing" issue in Rock Island County. We deserve better government than this and I will continue to fight to provide it.

Drue Mielke
Rock Island County Board
District 22 - Coal Valley/Moline
email: countyboard@DrueMielke.com
(309) 235-7493

Copyright © 2015 Friends of Drue Mielke