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Rock Island County Budget:  2013-2014

County Board Meeting

Hope Creek

Update Speech

The Oath I took

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Bill to Allow Courthouse Without Voter Ok

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County Board Meeting Information

Community Links

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Jim Wozniak Interview


Update Speech given April 23, 2013 at the Milan Community Center

On Tuesday, April 23rd, I gave an update on the county board for the annual Lincoln Day event.  Here's a portion of what was presented in my speech:

So far, it’s been a busy year.

The issues we have had before us include:

  • The threat of a lawsuit over the condition of the court house
  • The public building commission referendum
  • The task of working on a new referendum to address the court house
  • A referendum regarding single member districts- a question that confused the voters and obscured the will of the people
  • Addressing issues in the county highway department
  • The Clean Line Wind Farm Transmission Line issue that affects Chris Filbert’s district and all rural district. 
  • Working to receive a new opinion from our Attorney General on downsizing- not an opinion from 1974 and awaiting its 40th anniversary.

I have been busy working on several issues specific to my district.

But in addition, despite much pushback, I continue in my pursuit to answer the question whether the county board can be downsized before 2022.

I am obligated to answer this question as 72% of the electorate voted in favor of board member reduction. I am pledged to do my job to assure we listen to the voters.

I have received veiled threats to intimidate-- and it only tells me I am on the right path and doing the right thing. I won’t back down from doing what I think is right.

I am not here to protect the few or to feather my nest. I am here to serve the public.

As Abraham Lincoln said “Right makes might, And in that faith, Let us to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it.”

I believe that. It gives me strength.

I continue what I started on the Coal Valley Village Board.

  • Informing residents in my district by sending out a county board report to everyone in my district and maintaining my web site.
  • Continuing to work to assure that I give voice to the vulnerable and oppressed in my district, who do not have a voice.
  • Continuing to assure that the laws set in place to protect residents are also applied to those who need protection the most.

I received an email last week thanking me for real, visible progress that is occurring. By far….I didn’t work alone. But I assured that progress would happen.

I spoke up!

On the county board--- we’ve moved the mark.

  • We’ve moved the mark- by offering leadership that looks out for the real interests of the residents rather than the interests of the few.
  • We’ve moved the mark- by providing honest and accountable government rather than machine politics and business as usual.

But we still have a long way to go…

We are looking forward to even better days for our Rock Island County Board as we deliver on our promises of:

  • Limited Government
  • Government that is Effective
  • Responsible
  • Responsive
  • and Adheres to the Will of the People

In closing… I would like to tell you what a tremendous honor it is to serve on your Rock Island County Board!

Thank you!

Copyright © 2013 Friends of Drue Mielke